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Возможности применения космических снимков для государственной инвентаризации лесов
В статье раскрываются особенности и ограничения применения данных ДЗЗ из космоса и технологий их обработки для актуализации лесных карт страт государственной инвентаризации лесов и мониторинга лесных массивов. Приводятся результаты оценки информативности
мультиспектральных изображений с космического аппарата Terra (Aster) с разрешением 15 м для определения их пригодности при решении задач лесоустройства.
The Possibilities of Using Space Images for the State Forest Inventory
N.A. Vladimirova (Research Institute of Forestry)
#2, p 45
The characteristics of, and limitations on, using remote sensing data acquired from space and its processing technology for updating forest maps of striations for the state forest inventory and monitoring of forests are described. Results of evaluating information content of the multispectral images obtained from the Terra (Aster) s/c with a resolution of 15 m to determine their suitability for solving problems of the forest management are given.
The Possibilities of Using Space Images for the State Forest Inventory
N.A. Vladimirova (Research Institute of Forestry)
#2, p 45
The characteristics of, and limitations on, using remote sensing data acquired from space and its processing technology for updating forest maps of striations for the state forest inventory and monitoring of forests are described. Results of evaluating information content of the multispectral images obtained from the Terra (Aster) s/c with a resolution of 15 m to determine their suitability for solving problems of the forest management are given.