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Обработка материалов космической съемки и данных с камеры ADS-40 в местной системе координат
Отмечается, что в большинстве населенных пунктов на территории России используются местные системы координат, описание которых либо утеряно, либо имеет неточные значения. Приводится процедура привязки данных космической съемки и съемки, выполненной с помощью
камеры ADS-40, к местной системе координат с использование возможностей программы "ЦФС-Талка".
Processing of the Satellite Imagery and the ADS-40 Camera Data in the Local Coordinate System
N.D. Beklemishev (Talka)
V.B. Kekelidze (Talka TDV)
#2, p 51
It is marked that in the most of the settlements in the territory of Russia there are used local coordinate systems, the description of which is either lost or has an incorrect value. A procedure for referencing space images and those made with the ADS-40 camera to the local coordinate system with the use of TsFS-Talka software is presented.
Processing of the Satellite Imagery and the ADS-40 Camera Data in the Local Coordinate System
N.D. Beklemishev (Talka)
V.B. Kekelidze (Talka TDV)
#2, p 51
It is marked that in the most of the settlements in the territory of Russia there are used local coordinate systems, the description of which is either lost or has an incorrect value. A procedure for referencing space images and those made with the ADS-40 camera to the local coordinate system with the use of TsFS-Talka software is presented.