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Непредвиденные инновации
Автор отмечает, что в настоящее время новым дополнительным мощным импульсом для дальнейшего развития бизнеса и общества в целом становятся "непредвиденные инновации", природу и особенность которых он обосновывает на конкретных примерах. Именно непредвиденные
инновации позволили компании Trimble открыть совершенно новые сферы применения спутниковых технологий и стали основой ее успеха.
Unexpected Innovations
Steven W. Berglund (Trimble, USA)
#3, p 4
The author notes that at present "unexpected innovations" are becoming a new additional powerful impulse for further business and society development in general, and substantiates their nature and features by specific examples. These were unexpected innovations which allowed the Trimble company to open up entirely new areas of the satellite technologies application and became the basis of its success.
Unexpected Innovations
Steven W. Berglund (Trimble, USA)
#3, p 4
The author notes that at present "unexpected innovations" are becoming a new additional powerful impulse for further business and society development in general, and substantiates their nature and features by specific examples. These were unexpected innovations which allowed the Trimble company to open up entirely new areas of the satellite technologies application and became the basis of its success.