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Новые возможности ПО CREDO_DAT
Описываются новые функциональные возможности системы CREDO_DAT версии 4.0 и приводятся ее основные отличия от версии 3.1. В новой версии реализована обработка и уравнивание результатов измерений с помощью приемников ГНСС совместно с традиционными наземными
методами геодезических измерений или раздельно.
CREDO_DAT New Capabilities
A.P. Pigin, D.M. Vasilkov (Credo-Dialogue Company, Byelorussia)
#3, p 49
New functional capabilities of the CREDO_DAT system (ver. 4.0) are described. Its main differences from the version 3.1 are given. The new version implements processing and measured data adjustment using the GNSS receivers either in combination with the traditional surface techniques of geodetic measurements or independently.
CREDO_DAT New Capabilities
A.P. Pigin, D.M. Vasilkov (Credo-Dialogue Company, Byelorussia)
#3, p 49
New functional capabilities of the CREDO_DAT system (ver. 4.0) are described. Its main differences from the version 3.1 are given. The new version implements processing and measured data adjustment using the GNSS receivers either in combination with the traditional surface techniques of geodetic measurements or independently.