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Спутниковые технологии Leica Geosystems в области геодезии и маркшейдерии
Приводится описание серии нового оборудования и программного обеспечения Leica Viva GNSS (Leica Viva GS15, Leica Viva GS10, антенна AS10, ПО SmartWorx Viva и SmartWorx Viva LT), разработанного компанией Leica Geosystems. Отмечаются их принципиальные возможности,
которые отсутствуют у аналогичного оборудования и программного обеспечения других производителей.
Leica Geosystems Satellite Technologies in the Field of Geodesy and Mine Surveying
I.A. Lysachenko (NAVGEOCOM)
#4, p 40
A description is given of a series of the new Leica Viva GNSS hard- and software (Leica Viva GS15, Leica Viva GS10, antenna AS10, software SmartWorx Viva and SmartWorx Viva LT), developed by the Leica Geosystems. Their fundamental capabilities not available in similar hard- and software from other manufacturers are marked.
Leica Geosystems Satellite Technologies in the Field of Geodesy and Mine Surveying
I.A. Lysachenko (NAVGEOCOM)
#4, p 40
A description is given of a series of the new Leica Viva GNSS hard- and software (Leica Viva GS15, Leica Viva GS10, antenna AS10, software SmartWorx Viva and SmartWorx Viva LT), developed by the Leica Geosystems. Their fundamental capabilities not available in similar hard- and software from other manufacturers are marked.