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Геодезические системы Leica Geosystems для мониторинга деформаций инженерно-технических сооружений
Обосновывается необходимость непрерывного мониторинга деформаций, происходящих в конструкциях инженерно-технических объектов гражданского и промышленного назначения. Приводится описание возможностей автоматизированной системы мониторинга, предлагаемой
компанией Leica Geosystems и включающей как традиционные геодезические приборы, так и специализированные геотехнические датчики. Наличие программного обеспечения Leica GeoMoS, модуля GeoMoS Web и современных средств связи позволяет в режиме реального времени
контролировать состояние объекта мониторинга из любой точки мира.
Leica Geosystems Geodetic Systems for Monitoring Deformations of Engineering Structures
K.C. Loktionov (NAVGEOKOM)
#6, p 25
The need for continuous monitoring deformations occurring in the civil and industrial engineering and technical facilities is substantiated. There are described the capabilities of the automated monitoring systems offered by the Leica Geosystems and including both traditional surveying equipment and specialized geotechnical instruments. Availability of the Leica GeoMoS software, the GeoMoS Web module as well as the modern communications means allows for the real-time object's state monitoring from anywhere in the world.
Leica Geosystems Geodetic Systems for Monitoring Deformations of Engineering Structures
K.C. Loktionov (NAVGEOKOM)
#6, p 25
The need for continuous monitoring deformations occurring in the civil and industrial engineering and technical facilities is substantiated. There are described the capabilities of the automated monitoring systems offered by the Leica Geosystems and including both traditional surveying equipment and specialized geotechnical instruments. Availability of the Leica GeoMoS software, the GeoMoS Web module as well as the modern communications means allows for the real-time object's state monitoring from anywhere in the world.