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Землеизмерительная и кадастровая служба Чешской Республики
Приводится описание образовательных учреждений, частных фирм, изданий и профессиональных общественных организаций, занимающихся подготовкой специалистов и выполнением работ в области геодезии, картографии, фотограмметрии, ДЗЗ, кадастра, землеустройства
и геоинформатики в Чешской Республике. Кроме того, приводятся данные о смежных ведомствах и организациях, с которыми тесно взаимодействует Чешское землеизмерительное и кадастровое управление.
Land Measuring and Cadastre Administration of the Czech Republic
K. Radey, M. Kotsab, A. Drbal (Research Institute of Geodesy, Topography and Cartography, Zdiby, Czech Republic)
#6, p 42
A description of educational institutions, private firms, publications and professional public organizations, engaged in specialist training and work in the area of geodesy, cartography, photogrammetry, remote sensing, cadastre, land planning and geoinformatics in the Czech Republic is given. In addition information is on the allied departments and organizations, which cooperate closely with the Land Measuring and Cadastre Administration of the Czech Republic.
Land Measuring and Cadastre Administration of the Czech Republic
K. Radey, M. Kotsab, A. Drbal (Research Institute of Geodesy, Topography and Cartography, Zdiby, Czech Republic)
#6, p 42
A description of educational institutions, private firms, publications and professional public organizations, engaged in specialist training and work in the area of geodesy, cartography, photogrammetry, remote sensing, cadastre, land planning and geoinformatics in the Czech Republic is given. In addition information is on the allied departments and organizations, which cooperate closely with the Land Measuring and Cadastre Administration of the Czech Republic.