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Обработка фрагмента спутниковой геодезической сети 1-го класса в программе GIODIS
На примере обработки фрагмента спутниковой геодезической сети 1-го класса (СГС-1) в программе GIODIS (JAVAD GNSS) делается вывод о целесообразности ее использования для этих целей. Отмечается, что при планировании полевых работ по созданию СГС-1 необходимо
предусматривать привязку фрагментов сети к трем и более пунктам ФАГС или ВГС для обеспечения нормативных требований к точности и однородности подобных сетей.
Processing a Fragment of the Satellite Geodetic Network Class 1 in the GIODIS Program
V.P. Gorobets, A.N. Maiorov (Central Research Institute of Geodesy, Aerial Photography and Cartography (TSNIIGAiK))
#6, p 51
Processing a fragment of satellite geodetic network of Class 1 (SGN-1) with the use of the GIODIS (JAVAD GNSS) program made it possible to draw a conclusion about the feasibility of using the program for these purposes. It is noted that while planning field works for the SGN-1 creation it is necessary to provide referencing network's fragments with three or more stations of the Fundamental astrogeodetoc network (FAGS) or High-precision geodetic network (VGS) in order to ensure the regulatory requirements for the accuracy and uniformity of such networks.
Processing a Fragment of the Satellite Geodetic Network Class 1 in the GIODIS Program
V.P. Gorobets, A.N. Maiorov (Central Research Institute of Geodesy, Aerial Photography and Cartography (TSNIIGAiK))
#6, p 51
Processing a fragment of satellite geodetic network of Class 1 (SGN-1) with the use of the GIODIS (JAVAD GNSS) program made it possible to draw a conclusion about the feasibility of using the program for these purposes. It is noted that while planning field works for the SGN-1 creation it is necessary to provide referencing network's fragments with three or more stations of the Fundamental astrogeodetoc network (FAGS) or High-precision geodetic network (VGS) in order to ensure the regulatory requirements for the accuracy and uniformity of such networks.