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Космическая съемка - основа информационного обеспечения ТЭК на различных этапах освоения месторождений
Приводятся краткие итоги двух проектов, выполненных компанией "Совзонд" на Чаяндинском нефтегазоконденсатном месторождении и Приобском нефтяном месторождении. Отмечаются разнообразные возможности современной космической съемки для решения задач информационного
обеспечения нефтегазодобывающих предприятий с учетом специфики их деятельности, региональных условий и степени освоенности территорий.
Remote Sensing Is the Basis of the FEC Information Support at Different Stages of the Deposits Development
A.V. Abrosimov (Sovzond)
#3, p 11
Results of the two projects carried out by the Sovzond company at the Chayanda oil and gas condensate field and the Priobskoye oil field are given in brief. There are noted various possibilities of the modern satellite imaging to solve problems of information support for the oil and gas companies, taking into account the specifics of their activities, regional conditions and degree of territories development.
Remote Sensing Is the Basis of the FEC Information Support at Different Stages of the Deposits Development
A.V. Abrosimov (Sovzond)
#3, p 11
Results of the two projects carried out by the Sovzond company at the Chayanda oil and gas condensate field and the Priobskoye oil field are given in brief. There are noted various possibilities of the modern satellite imaging to solve problems of information support for the oil and gas companies, taking into account the specifics of their activities, regional conditions and degree of territories development.