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Нужна ли инфраструктура высокоточного позиционирования?
Рассматриваются возможности и целесообразность применения сетей постоянно действующих станций как инфраструктуры высокоточного позиционирования. Приводятся варианты создания сетей с использованием оборудования и программного обеспечения, разработанных
компанией "Руснавгеосеть".
Is There a Need in High-precision Positioning Infrastructure?
M.Yu. Baikov ("Rusnavgeoset")
#4, p 48
Possibilities and expediency of using networks of permanently operating stations as the infrastructure for high accuracy positioning are considered. There are given options for creating networks with the use of the hardware and software developed by "Rusnavgeoset".
Is There a Need in High-precision Positioning Infrastructure?
M.Yu. Baikov ("Rusnavgeoset")
#4, p 48
Possibilities and expediency of using networks of permanently operating stations as the infrastructure for high accuracy positioning are considered. There are given options for creating networks with the use of the hardware and software developed by "Rusnavgeoset".