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Услуги на основе сетей референцных станций и психология принятия решений
Дается оценка современного правового и технологического обеспечения создания и функционирования сетей референцных станций. Отмечается, что на психологию принятия решения о создании таких сетей на региональном уровне, кроме технологических возможностей
конкретного оборудовании и ПО, перспектив его модернизации и стоимости, оказывают влияние и другие факторы. Автор предлагает на страницах журнала обсудить ход реализации и результаты открытых аукционов по данному направлению.
Services on the Basis of the Reference Stations Networks and the Decision-Making Psychology
N.N. Anisiforov (PRIN CJSC)
#5, p 65
There is given an estimation of the modern legal and technological support for creation and operation of the reference stations networks. It is noted that the decision-making psychology to create such networks at the regional level, apart from technological capabilities of specific hardware and software, prospects for its modernization and value is influenced by other factors. The author suggests discussing the both implementation process and results of open auctions in this direction in the magazine.
Services on the Basis of the Reference Stations Networks and the Decision-Making Psychology
N.N. Anisiforov (PRIN CJSC)
#5, p 65
There is given an estimation of the modern legal and technological support for creation and operation of the reference stations networks. It is noted that the decision-making psychology to create such networks at the regional level, apart from technological capabilities of specific hardware and software, prospects for its modernization and value is influenced by other factors. The author suggests discussing the both implementation process and results of open auctions in this direction in the magazine.