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Развитие сетей референцных станций на территории России под эгидой ЗАО «ПРИН»
Отмечаются преимущества сетей референцных станций ГНСС, предоставляющих пользователям в режиме реального времени или постобработки возможность получения пространственных координат в любой точке сети с точностью не грубее 1-2 см. Приводятся примеры проектов
по созданию сетей референцных станций ГНСС на территории Российской Федерации, в которых принимали участие специалисты компании ПРИН.
Development of Reference Stations Networks on the Territory of Russia under the Auspices of the "PRIN" JSC
V.S. Lokhov, V.A. Moryakov (PRIN JSC)
#1, p 44
Advantages of the networks of the GNSS reference stations providing users with the possibility of fixing spatial coordinates at any point of the network with an accuracy of better than 1-2 cm in ether real time or after post processing are marked. There are given examples of projects to create GNSS reference stations over the Russian Federation territory in which the PRIN Company specialists have been involved.
Development of Reference Stations Networks on the Territory of Russia under the Auspices of the "PRIN" JSC
V.S. Lokhov, V.A. Moryakov (PRIN JSC)
#1, p 44
Advantages of the networks of the GNSS reference stations providing users with the possibility of fixing spatial coordinates at any point of the network with an accuracy of better than 1-2 cm in ether real time or after post processing are marked. There are given examples of projects to create GNSS reference stations over the Russian Federation territory in which the PRIN Company specialists have been involved.