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Некоторые аспекты современного состояния и основных тенденций рынка данных ДЗЗ
Обозначены некоторые тренды рынка данных ДЗЗ, который все более насыщается, но пока не рентабелен без государственной поддержки. Возрастает количество источников и типов данных, поставщики ориентируются на производную продукцию, а не только на "продажу
пикселей". Становятся популярными относительно недорогие малые космические аппараты, в том числе российского производства. В целом, в том числе благодаря развитию инфраструктуры пространственных данных, можно надеяться на востребованность качественных данных
ДЗЗ в будущем.
Some Aspects of the Current Status and Major Trends of the Remote Sensing Data Market
I.V. Moskalenko (Geoinnovation Agency "Innoter")
#2, p 8
Some of the trends of the remote sensing data market, which becomes more and more saturated, but not yet profitable without government support are identified. The number of the data sources and types increases, suppliers are guided by the derivative products, and not just "selling pixels". Relatively inexpensive small spacecraft, including the Russian ones become popular. As a whole, through the development of the spatial data infrastructure, we can expect the demand for high-quality remote sensing data in the future.
Some Aspects of the Current Status and Major Trends of the Remote Sensing Data Market
I.V. Moskalenko (Geoinnovation Agency "Innoter")
#2, p 8
Some of the trends of the remote sensing data market, which becomes more and more saturated, but not yet profitable without government support are identified. The number of the data sources and types increases, suppliers are guided by the derivative products, and not just "selling pixels". Relatively inexpensive small spacecraft, including the Russian ones become popular. As a whole, through the development of the spatial data infrastructure, we can expect the demand for high-quality remote sensing data in the future.