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Принципы ведения постоянного мониторинга на геодинамических объектах
На примере маркшейдерских работ по наблюдению за деформациями земной поверхности в районе подземных и открытых угольных разрезов рассмотрены принципы создания современных систем непрерывного автоматического мониторинга. Кратко описано оборудование и программные
средства компании Trimble для создания таких систем слежения.
Principles of Continuous Monitoring at the Geodynamic Objects
E.V. Kalabin, V.S. Lokhov (PRIN CJSC)
#2, p 58
Principles of creating high-technology systems for continuous automated monitoring are considered by the example of the mine-surveying work on observing land surface deformations in the area of subsurface and open-cut coal mines. A brief description is given for the hard- and software by the Trimble Company developed for such monitoring system creation.
Principles of Continuous Monitoring at the Geodynamic Objects
E.V. Kalabin, V.S. Lokhov (PRIN CJSC)
#2, p 58
Principles of creating high-technology systems for continuous automated monitoring are considered by the example of the mine-surveying work on observing land surface deformations in the area of subsurface and open-cut coal mines. A brief description is given for the hard- and software by the Trimble Company developed for such monitoring system creation.