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Расчет деформаций - новое решение в ПК CREDO
Рассматриваются функциональные возможности нового программного обеспечения РАСЧЕТ ДЕФОРМАЦИЙ, разрабатываемого компанией "Кредо-Диалог". Программа предназначена для обработки и интерпретации результатов геодезических измерений при оценке характеристик
вертикальных и горизонтальных смещений зданий и сооружений на основе многократных наблюдений контрольных марок.
Strain Calculation - a New Solution in the PC CREDO
D.V. Chadovich (Credo-Dialog Company)
#5, p 51
The functional capabilities of the new software STRAIN CALCULATION developed by the Credo-Dialogue Company is considered. The program is designed for processing and interpreting geodetic measurements in characterization of the vertical and horizontal displacements of buildings and structures based on repeated observations of the reference points.
Strain Calculation - a New Solution in the PC CREDO
D.V. Chadovich (Credo-Dialog Company)
#5, p 51
The functional capabilities of the new software STRAIN CALCULATION developed by the Credo-Dialogue Company is considered. The program is designed for processing and interpreting geodetic measurements in characterization of the vertical and horizontal displacements of buildings and structures based on repeated observations of the reference points.