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Состояние и актуальные проблемы модернизации ГГС Республики Казахстан
Группой ученых и специалистов Казахстана и России подняты актуальные вопросы модернизации государственной геодезической сети в Республике Казахстан с использованием глобальных навигационных спутниковых систем ГЛОНАСС и GPS. Первая часть статьи посвящена
анализу современного состояния и перспектив развития существующих государственных геодезических систем координат в Казахстане, России, Украине и Белоруссии.
Status and Current Problems of the Kazakhstan State Geodetic Network Modernization
V.K. Andreev, U.D. Samratov, V.V. Khvostov (Research-and-Production geodetic enterprise "Meridian+")
M.E. Dzhanpeisov (Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan)
E.V. Novikov (27th Central Research Institute of the RF Ministry of Defense)
M.Zh. Sagyndyk ("Kazgeodezya" Republican State-Run Enterprise of the Land Management Agency of Republic of Kazakhstan)
V.N. Filatov ("Concern "RTI "Sistemy" JSC)
K.B. Khasenov (East Kazakhstan State Technical University Named after D. Serikbaev, Oskemen)
#6, p 12
A group of scientists and specialists from Kazakhstan and Russia raised topical issues of the state geodetic network modernization in the Republic of Kazakhstan with the use of the global navigation satellite system GLONASS and GPS. The first part of the article is devoted to the analysis of the both contemporary state and prospects for the development of the available geodetic coordinate systems in Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine and Byelorussia.
Status and Current Problems of the Kazakhstan State Geodetic Network Modernization
V.K. Andreev, U.D. Samratov, V.V. Khvostov (Research-and-Production geodetic enterprise "Meridian+")
M.E. Dzhanpeisov (Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan)
E.V. Novikov (27th Central Research Institute of the RF Ministry of Defense)
M.Zh. Sagyndyk ("Kazgeodezya" Republican State-Run Enterprise of the Land Management Agency of Republic of Kazakhstan)
V.N. Filatov ("Concern "RTI "Sistemy" JSC)
K.B. Khasenov (East Kazakhstan State Technical University Named after D. Serikbaev, Oskemen)
#6, p 12
A group of scientists and specialists from Kazakhstan and Russia raised topical issues of the state geodetic network modernization in the Republic of Kazakhstan with the use of the global navigation satellite system GLONASS and GPS. The first part of the article is devoted to the analysis of the both contemporary state and prospects for the development of the available geodetic coordinate systems in Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine and Byelorussia.