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Об уточнении и закреплении границ приватизированных объектов недвижимости в Республике Армения
Анализируются результаты кадастровых работ, выполненных в Республике Армения в период 1998-2004 гг. Приводятся проблемы в учете объектов недвижимости, вызванные переходом на единую систему координат WGS-84. Предлагается обновить цифровые кадастровые карты,
используя ортофотопланы, дополнить ими свидетельства о приватизации объектов недвижимости, а также закрепить долгосрочными знаками границы приватизируемых объектов недвижимости.
On Refinement and Fixing Boundaries of Privatized Real Estate Objects in the Republic of Armenia
M.R. Vardanyan (Armenian National Agrarian University)
#2, p 27
Results of the cadastral works fulfilled in the Republic of Armenian within the period of 1998-2004 are analyzed. There are given the problems in the field of real estate property registry caused by the transfer to the single coordinate system WGS-84. It is proposed to update digital cadastral maps using orthphotoplans, to add those to the privatization certificates of real estate as well as to fix the boundaries of the privatized real estate objects with long-term signs.
On Refinement and Fixing Boundaries of Privatized Real Estate Objects in the Republic of Armenia
M.R. Vardanyan (Armenian National Agrarian University)
#2, p 27
Results of the cadastral works fulfilled in the Republic of Armenian within the period of 1998-2004 are analyzed. There are given the problems in the field of real estate property registry caused by the transfer to the single coordinate system WGS-84. It is proposed to update digital cadastral maps using orthphotoplans, to add those to the privatization certificates of real estate as well as to fix the boundaries of the privatized real estate objects with long-term signs.