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Геодезический мониторинг надземных переходов магистральных газопроводов в Карпатском регионе
Описываются факторы внешней среды, которые усложняют эксплуатацию надземных магистральных трубопроводов в Карпатском регионе. Отмечаются недостатки существующих методов геодезического контроля, и обосновывается необходимость их совершенствования. Приводятся
результаты исследования короткопериодических температурных деформаций надземного перехода газопровода.
Geodetic Monitoring of the Aboveground Gas Pipelines in the Carpathian Region
I.S. Trevogo (Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine)
E.Yu. Ilkiv, D.V. Kukhtar (Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, Ukraine)
#2, p 46
There are described the environmental factors which complicate operation of aboveground pipelines in the Carpathian region. Disadvantages of the existing geodetic control techniques are described and the need for their improvement is grounded. Results of the studies of the short-term temperature deformation monitoring data for the aboveground pipelines are given.
Geodetic Monitoring of the Aboveground Gas Pipelines in the Carpathian Region
I.S. Trevogo (Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine)
E.Yu. Ilkiv, D.V. Kukhtar (Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, Ukraine)
#2, p 46
There are described the environmental factors which complicate operation of aboveground pipelines in the Carpathian region. Disadvantages of the existing geodetic control techniques are described and the need for their improvement is grounded. Results of the studies of the short-term temperature deformation monitoring data for the aboveground pipelines are given.