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Опыт применения мобильного лазерного сканирования и тепловизионной съемки на объектах ТЭК
Рассматривается технология мобильного лазерного сканирования совместно с тепловизионной съемкой на основе опыта специалистов компании "НИПИСтройТЭК" и имеющегося в ней оборудования: сканера Riegl VMX-250 и тепловизора FLIR SC7700M. Описываются различные
виды конечной продукции. Дается оценка эффективности использования данной технологии при реализации проектов на объектах топливно-энергетического комплекса РФ.
An Experience of Using Mobile Laser Scanning and Thermal Imaging at the Objects of the Fuel and Energy Complex
K.Yu. Shurshin ("NIPIStroyTEK" LLC)
#2, p 53
There is considered the technology of mobile laser scanning with the thermal imaging based on the experience of experts from the NIPIStroyTEK LLC and equipment available including the Riegl VMX-250 scanner and the FLIR SC7700M thermal camera. Various types of the final products are described. An assessment of this technology effectiveness is given for the projects in the RF fuel and energy complex.
An Experience of Using Mobile Laser Scanning and Thermal Imaging at the Objects of the Fuel and Energy Complex
K.Yu. Shurshin ("NIPIStroyTEK" LLC)
#2, p 53
There is considered the technology of mobile laser scanning with the thermal imaging based on the experience of experts from the NIPIStroyTEK LLC and equipment available including the Riegl VMX-250 scanner and the FLIR SC7700M thermal camera. Various types of the final products are described. An assessment of this technology effectiveness is given for the projects in the RF fuel and energy complex.