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Перспективы создания 3D кадастра в России
Отмечаются преимущества трехмерного кадастра и опыт его создания в зарубежных странах. Приводятся возможности оперативного получения пространственной информации о различных объектах местности на примере аэрофотосъемки и мобильного лазерного сканирования
и создания на их основе трехмерных моделей. Эти модели можно использовать не только для кадастра, но и при решении широкого спектра задач.
Prospects for Creating 3D Cadastre in Russia
S.G. Gerasimova, M.B. Ibragimov, M.V. Petrov (Jena Instrument Ltd.)
#3, p 05
The advantages of the three-dimensional cadastre together with the experience of its creation in foreign countries are marked. Capabilities of the special data online acquisition for various terrain objects are given by the example of 3D model creation based on aerial photosurveying and mobile laser scanning. These models can be used for not only cadastre development but also a wide range of applications.
Prospects for Creating 3D Cadastre in Russia
S.G. Gerasimova, M.B. Ibragimov, M.V. Petrov (Jena Instrument Ltd.)
#3, p 05
The advantages of the three-dimensional cadastre together with the experience of its creation in foreign countries are marked. Capabilities of the special data online acquisition for various terrain objects are given by the example of 3D model creation based on aerial photosurveying and mobile laser scanning. These models can be used for not only cadastre development but also a wide range of applications.