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Итоги запусков спутников ДЗЗ в 2012 году
Отмечается, что 2012 год оказался рекордным по количеству запусков космических аппаратов, оснащенных съемочной аппаратурой дистанционного зондирования Земли, а бесспорным лидером стал Китай, который вывел на орбиту 8 спутников. Приводится описание типов
и характеристик космических аппаратов, запущенных в 2012 г. в Китае, США, Европе, Японии, Индии, Республики Корея и России.
The Results of Remote Sensing Spacecraft Launches in 2012
A.A. Kucheiko (ScanEx Research and Development Center)
#3, p 10
It is noted that the year of 2012 has become record-setting in the number of spacecraft launches equipped with the Earth remote sensing imaging instruments. China has become an undisputed leader in this field due to putting eight satellites to orbit. Description of the spacecraft types and performance is given for the spacecraft launched in 2012 in China, the USA, Europe, Japan, India, the Republic of Korea and Russia.
The Results of Remote Sensing Spacecraft Launches in 2012
A.A. Kucheiko (ScanEx Research and Development Center)
#3, p 10
It is noted that the year of 2012 has become record-setting in the number of spacecraft launches equipped with the Earth remote sensing imaging instruments. China has become an undisputed leader in this field due to putting eight satellites to orbit. Description of the spacecraft types and performance is given for the spacecraft launched in 2012 in China, the USA, Europe, Japan, India, the Republic of Korea and Russia.