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Применение сервиса удаленного доступа к космическим снимкам в ПО CREDO
Описываются возможности загрузки и трансформации космических изображений, реализованные в новой версии программ на платформе CREDO III. Космические снимки получают в режиме удаленного доступа через сервис "Экспресс. Космоснимки", разработанный и поддерживаемый
специалистами ИТЦ "СКАНЭКС".
Service of Remote Access to Space Imagery Using the CREDO Software
D.V. Chadovich (Kredo-Dialog, Belarus)
#3, p 17
Capabilities for loading and transforming space images are described for the new software version of the CREDO III based programs. Space images are acquired in the remote access mode through the "Express. Kosmosnimki" service developed and supported by the ScanEx Research and Development Center.
Service of Remote Access to Space Imagery Using the CREDO Software
D.V. Chadovich (Kredo-Dialog, Belarus)
#3, p 17
Capabilities for loading and transforming space images are described for the new software version of the CREDO III based programs. Space images are acquired in the remote access mode through the "Express. Kosmosnimki" service developed and supported by the ScanEx Research and Development Center.