
О модернизации государственной нивелирной сети Республики Казахстан

Статья является продолжением серии публикаций о составе и основных положениях модернизации государственной геодезической сети Республики Казахстан, начатой авторами в журнале "Геопрофи" № 6-2012 г. и № 1-2013. В ней анализируется сегодняшнее состояние государственной нивелирной сети Республики Казахстан как составной части государственной геодезической сети и намечаются пути ее модернизации с учетом опыта РФ и опыта создания единой геодезической основы Европы.

On the Modernization of the State of the Leveling Network in the Republic of Kazakhstan
V.K. Andreev (Central Research and Production Institute for Geodesy, Aerial Photosurveying and Cartography)
M.E. Dzanpeisov (Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan)
N.Zh. Karablaev ("Kazgeodezya" Republican State-Run Enterprise)
E.V. Novikov (27th Central Research Institute of the RF Ministry of Defense)
M.Zh. Sagyndyk ("Kazgeodezya" Republican State-Run Enterprise)
U.D. Samratov (Research-and-Production geodetic enterprise "Meridian+")
V.N. Filatov ("Concern "RTI "Sistemy" JSC)
K.B. Khasenov (East Kazakhstan State Technical University Named after D. Serikbaev, Oskemen)
V.V. Khvostov (Research-and-Production geodetic enterprise "Meridian+")
#3, p 25
The article is a continuation of the initiated by the authors series of publications (Geoprofi #6-2012 and # 1-2013) on the structure and the main provisions of the modernization of the state geodetic network in the Republic of Kazakhstan. This article presents the results of the analysis of the current state of the State of the Leveling Network of the Republic of Kazakhstan as a part of the State geodetic network (SGN). The ways of its modernization are outlined with due consideration to the RF experience and experience of the European common control geodetic base creation. The ways to modernize it with the experience of Russia and Europe based on the experience of Russia and Europe
pdf 25-29.pdf