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Спутниковый мониторинг деформаций морской ледостойкой стационарной платформы
В статье представлены основные результаты тестового спутникового мониторинга морской стационарной платформы ЛСП-1 с помощью сервиса Leica CrossCheck.
Satellite Monitoring of the Deformations of the Sea-based Ice Resistant Stationary Platform
O.N. Gorbunov (LUKOIL-Nizhnevolzhskneft JSC)
#4, p 09
The article presents the main results of the test satellite monitoring for the sea-based ice resistant stationary platform using the Leica CrossCheck service.
Satellite Monitoring of the Deformations of the Sea-based Ice Resistant Stationary Platform
O.N. Gorbunov (LUKOIL-Nizhnevolzhskneft JSC)
#4, p 09
The article presents the main results of the test satellite monitoring for the sea-based ice resistant stationary platform using the Leica CrossCheck service.