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Данные со спутников TH-1-01 и SPOT 5. Сравнение геометрических характеристик
Спутниковые снимки, получаемые системой TH-1 (Китай), представляют большой интерес для пользователей и фактически являются конкурентами для данных, получаемых в рамках европейской программы SPOT. В статье приводятся результаты сравнения геометрических
характеристик снимков, полученных космическими аппаратами TH-1-01 и SPOT 5.
Data from the TH-1-01 and SPOT 5 Satellites. Comparison of the Geometric Characteristics
A.V. Sonyushkin (ScanEx R&D Center)
#4, p 50
Satellite images acquired by the TH-1 space system (China) are of great interest to users and actually compete with the data obtained within the framework of the European program SPOT. The article presents the comparison results for the geometric characteristics of the images taken by spacecraft TH-1-01 and SPOT 5.
Data from the TH-1-01 and SPOT 5 Satellites. Comparison of the Geometric Characteristics
A.V. Sonyushkin (ScanEx R&D Center)
#4, p 50
Satellite images acquired by the TH-1 space system (China) are of great interest to users and actually compete with the data obtained within the framework of the European program SPOT. The article presents the comparison results for the geometric characteristics of the images taken by spacecraft TH-1-01 and SPOT 5.