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Система точного позиционирования Московской области
Приводятся описание и опыт эксплуатации сети референцных станций системы точного позиционирования, разработанной и реализованной ГУП МО "МОБТИ". Отмечается, что данная система включена в реестр средств измерений Росстандарта с периодичностью поверки один
раз в два года. Результаты первичной поверки системы, выполненные ФГУП "ВНИИФТРИ", показали, что среднеквадратическое отклонение определения плановых координат съемочных точек в режиме реального времени относительно референцных станций не превышает 5 см.
The system of Precise Positioning of the Moscow Region
V.A. Shepolukhin (State Unitary Enterprise of the Moscow Region "MOBTI" (Moscow Region Bureau for Technical Inventory))
#5, p 05
A description of, and experience in operating a network of precise positioning system's reference stations, developed and implemented by MOBTI are given. It is noted that this system is included in the Rosstandart register of measuring means with the recalibration cycle equal to two years. The results of the initial system calibration made by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "VNIIFTRI", showed that the standard deviation of real time determining the horizontal coordinates of the stations with respect to the reference station, does not exceed 5 cm.
The system of Precise Positioning of the Moscow Region
V.A. Shepolukhin (State Unitary Enterprise of the Moscow Region "MOBTI" (Moscow Region Bureau for Technical Inventory))
#5, p 05
A description of, and experience in operating a network of precise positioning system's reference stations, developed and implemented by MOBTI are given. It is noted that this system is included in the Rosstandart register of measuring means with the recalibration cycle equal to two years. The results of the initial system calibration made by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "VNIIFTRI", showed that the standard deviation of real time determining the horizontal coordinates of the stations with respect to the reference station, does not exceed 5 cm.