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Технология спутникового позиционирования Z-Blad
Приводятся результаты тестирования технологии спутникового позиционирования Z-Blade, которая разработана компанией Spectra Precision в 2011 г. и реализована в приемниках ГНСС - ProMark800, ProMark220 и ProFlex800. Данное решение позволяет повысить производительность
измерений в городах с высотными зданиями и плотной застройкой, а также в лесной местности с густыми кронами деревьев.
The Z-Blade Technology for Satellite Positioning
#5, p 44
There given the results of testing the satellite positioning technology Z-Blade, which was developed by Spectra Precision company in 2011 and implemented in GNSS receivers - ProMark800, ProMark220 and ProFlex800. This solution improves the performance of measurements in cities with tall buildings and dense built-up environment, as well as in forest areas with dense tree cover.
The Z-Blade Technology for Satellite Positioning
#5, p 44
There given the results of testing the satellite positioning technology Z-Blade, which was developed by Spectra Precision company in 2011 and implemented in GNSS receivers - ProMark800, ProMark220 and ProFlex800. This solution improves the performance of measurements in cities with tall buildings and dense built-up environment, as well as in forest areas with dense tree cover.