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GeoniCS Каналы и реки (Aquaterra) – решение для проектирования каналов и искусственных русел рек
Программный комплекс GeoniCS Каналы и реки (Aquaterra), разработанный компанией CGS plus d.o.o. (Словения), впервые представлен российским пользователям. Приводится описание модулей программного комплекса: "Местность", "Оси", "Продольные профили", "Поперечные
сечения", а также "HEC-RAS интерфейс", "MIKE 11 интерфейс" и "MIKE 12 интерфейс". Отмечается, что программа позволяет быстро подготовить чертежи и техническую документацию, включая подсчет объемов работ и выполнение гидравлических расчетов.
GeoniCS Channels and Rivers (Aquaterra) - a Solution to Design Channels and Artificial River Beds
A.V. Smetanyuk (CSoft Company Group)
#6, p 17
The GeoniCS Channels and Rivers (Aquaterra) software developed by the CGS plus d.o.o. Company (Slovenia) was introduced to the Russian users for the first time. The software modules are described including the following: "Mestnost (Terrain)", "Osi (Axes)", "Prodolnye profili (Longitudinal Profiles)", "Poperechnye Secheniya (Transversal Profiles)" as well as "HEC-RAS interface", "MIKE 11 interface" and "MIKE 12 interface". It is noted that the software provides for fast preparation of sketches and technical documentation including work quantity calculation and hydraulic calculations.
GeoniCS Channels and Rivers (Aquaterra) - a Solution to Design Channels and Artificial River Beds
A.V. Smetanyuk (CSoft Company Group)
#6, p 17
The GeoniCS Channels and Rivers (Aquaterra) software developed by the CGS plus d.o.o. Company (Slovenia) was introduced to the Russian users for the first time. The software modules are described including the following: "Mestnost (Terrain)", "Osi (Axes)", "Prodolnye profili (Longitudinal Profiles)", "Poperechnye Secheniya (Transversal Profiles)" as well as "HEC-RAS interface", "MIKE 11 interface" and "MIKE 12 interface". It is noted that the software provides for fast preparation of sketches and technical documentation including work quantity calculation and hydraulic calculations.