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Инфраструктура пространственных данных регионального уровня в Чувашской Республике
Дан краткий обзор основных подходов к построению ИПД, приведены примеры из практики создания европейских ИПД, рассмотрены цели и принципы построения национальных и региональных ИПД. Описаны технологические возможности, реализованные в настоящее время на
геопорале Чувашии.
Spatial Data Infrastructure at the Regional Level in the Chuvash Republic
P.V. Vasyukov (Ministry for Information Policy and Mass Communications of the Chuvash Republic, Cheboksary)
S.V. Shcherbina (Esri CIS)
#2, p 11
A brief review is given for the main approaches to the Spatial Data Infrastructure development. Case studies for the European Spatial Data Infrastructure are introduced together with the goals and development principles of the national and regional Spatial Data Infrastructures. Capabilities already implemented in the Chuvashia geoportal are described.
Spatial Data Infrastructure at the Regional Level in the Chuvash Republic
P.V. Vasyukov (Ministry for Information Policy and Mass Communications of the Chuvash Republic, Cheboksary)
S.V. Shcherbina (Esri CIS)
#2, p 11
A brief review is given for the main approaches to the Spatial Data Infrastructure development. Case studies for the European Spatial Data Infrastructure are introduced together with the goals and development principles of the national and regional Spatial Data Infrastructures. Capabilities already implemented in the Chuvashia geoportal are described.