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Мобильная сканирующая система Trimble MX2
Подробно описывается новая мобильная сканирующая система Trimble MX2, возможные варианты ее конфигурации для решения различных задач и порядок работы с ней. Отмечаются преимущества системы, главными из которых являются быстрое развертывание, не требующее
калибровки сканера, и операционная совместимость с существующими средствами сбора пространственных данных, предлагаемых компанией Trimble.
The Mobile Scanning System Trimble MX2
V.G. Tsukanov (Technokauf Company)
#3, p 18
The new mobile scanning system Trimble MX2 is described together with its possible configurations to solve various tasks as well as how to work with it. The system advantages are noted including the principle ones. These are the quick deployment requiring no scanner calibration procedure and the interoperability with the existing means by the Trimble company for the spatial data collection.
The Mobile Scanning System Trimble MX2
V.G. Tsukanov (Technokauf Company)
#3, p 18
The new mobile scanning system Trimble MX2 is described together with its possible configurations to solve various tasks as well as how to work with it. The system advantages are noted including the principle ones. These are the quick deployment requiring no scanner calibration procedure and the interoperability with the existing means by the Trimble company for the spatial data collection.