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Обработка данных БПЛА в программе UASMaster
Подробно представлены возможности по обработке данных с беспилотных летательных аппаратов в полнофункциональной фотограмметрической системе Inpho и новой программе UASMaster, выпущенной в конце 2013 г. Программа UASMaster унаследовала лучшее, проверенное
опытом, из существующих решений в программном комплексе Inpho по обработке данных аэрофотосъемки. Но она имеет и ряд ограничений: максимальный проект - 2000 снимков, камера с разрешением не более 40 Мпикселей, единое "облако точек" и единая мозаика создаются
на весь проект.
The UAV Data Processing in the UASMaster Software
N.E. Rubtsova (Sovzond JSC)
#3, p 24
Capabilities on processing the data from unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are introduced for the both full-featured photogrammetric system Inpho and new UASMaster issued at the end of 2013. The UASMaster software inherited the best, proven experience of the existing solutions of the Inpho package to process aerialphotosurveying data. However the software has some limitations - the so called max project including 2,000 images, a camera with a resolution of less than 40 Mpixels as well as a single "point cloud" and a single mosaic created for the entire project.
The UAV Data Processing in the UASMaster Software
N.E. Rubtsova (Sovzond JSC)
#3, p 24
Capabilities on processing the data from unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are introduced for the both full-featured photogrammetric system Inpho and new UASMaster issued at the end of 2013. The UASMaster software inherited the best, proven experience of the existing solutions of the Inpho package to process aerialphotosurveying data. However the software has some limitations - the so called max project including 2,000 images, a camera with a resolution of less than 40 Mpixels as well as a single "point cloud" and a single mosaic created for the entire project.