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Применение GPS–аппаратуры Trimble для археологических исследований
Описываются геодезические работы, выполненные в ноябре–декабре 2001 г., при комплексных археологических исследованиях в районе Ком Туман (Гиза) на территории древней столицы Египта —Мемфиса. При проведении измерений использовались двухчастотные геодезические
спутниковые приёмники серии 4000SSE (Trimble), а также программного обеспечения Geomathics Office версии 1.5 и Golden Software Surfer 7.0.
Archeological Applications of the Trimble GPS Instruments
O.N. Pomogaev (NavGeoCom)
#1, p. 38
A description is given for the geodetic works conducted in November-December, 2001 for complex archeological studies in the area of Kom-Tuman (Giza). This site is locat ed within the territory of Memphis, the ancient capital of Egypt. A technology of GPS measurements with the 4000SSE (Trimble) receivers is described. A technology of the data analysis is also presented for such software packages as the Trimble Geomatics Office 1.5 and Golden Software Surfer 7.0. The results of all the fulfilled studies are given.
Archeological Applications of the Trimble GPS Instruments
O.N. Pomogaev (NavGeoCom)
#1, p. 38
A description is given for the geodetic works conducted in November-December, 2001 for complex archeological studies in the area of Kom-Tuman (Giza). This site is locat ed within the territory of Memphis, the ancient capital of Egypt. A technology of GPS measurements with the 4000SSE (Trimble) receivers is described. A technology of the data analysis is also presented for such software packages as the Trimble Geomatics Office 1.5 and Golden Software Surfer 7.0. The results of all the fulfilled studies are given.