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Интегрированная региональная информационная система Калужской области
Статья посвящена интегрированной региональной информационной системе Калужской области, включающей региональную навигационно-информационную систему, региональный комплекс обеспечения градостроительной деятельности и региональную инфраструктуру пространственных
данных. Подробно описываются работы, выполненные в рамках каждой подсистемы, с момента введения первой очереди системы в эксплуатацию в 2009 г.
Integrated Regional Information System of the Kaluga Region
S.S. Aldoshin (State Budgetary Institution "Agency of Information Technologies of Kaluga region")
S.V. Lyubimtseva ("Sovzond" Company)
#4, p 05
The article is devoted to an integrated regional information system of the Kaluga region, including a regional navigation and information system, a regional complex for urban planning and a regional spatial data infrastructure. The work performed within each subsystem, since the system first stage introduction in operation in 2009, is described in detail.
Integrated Regional Information System of the Kaluga Region
S.S. Aldoshin (State Budgetary Institution "Agency of Information Technologies of Kaluga region")
S.V. Lyubimtseva ("Sovzond" Company)
#4, p 05
The article is devoted to an integrated regional information system of the Kaluga region, including a regional navigation and information system, a regional complex for urban planning and a regional spatial data infrastructure. The work performed within each subsystem, since the system first stage introduction in operation in 2009, is described in detail.