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Система городского мониторинга топографических планшетов и использование ЦМР для городских нужд
Описывается подсистема ведения крупномасштабных топографических планов города в электронном виде на основе программного обеспечения компании Bentley Systems. Решения, заложенные в программном обеспечении, обеспечивают выполнение задач по предоставлению
электронных услуг населению, а также способствуют экономии бюджетных средств.
Urban Monitoring System of Topographical Plates and DTM Application for Urban Use
V.A. Panarin (Municipal budgetary institution "Urban Planning", Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod region)
#4, p 10
A subsystem for managing large-scale topographic maps of the city in an electronic form based on the software by the Bentley Systems company is described. Solutions incorporated in the software, allow solving tasks of providing electronic services to the public, as well as contribute to the budgetary savings.
Urban Monitoring System of Topographical Plates and DTM Application for Urban Use
V.A. Panarin (Municipal budgetary institution "Urban Planning", Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod region)
#4, p 10
A subsystem for managing large-scale topographic maps of the city in an electronic form based on the software by the Bentley Systems company is described. Solutions incorporated in the software, allow solving tasks of providing electronic services to the public, as well as contribute to the budgetary savings.