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Лазерное сканирование Олимпийского парка в рамках мониторинга строительства гоночной трассы серии «Формула-1» в Сочи
Сопоставляются различные методы лазерного сканирования, использованные при съемке в 2012-2014 гг. территории Олимпийского парка, расположенного в г. Сочи. Рассматриваются преимущества и особенности методов наземного, мобильного и воздушного лазерного сканирования,
которые сравниваются по точности и полноте получаемых данных, а также скорости проведения работ.
Laser Scanning of the Olympic Park within the Framework of the Construction Monitoring for the "Formula-1" Series Racetrack in Sochi
E.S. Boiko ("SevKavTISIZ", Krasnodar)
#4, p 24
There are compared various methods of laser scanning, used for surveying the Olympic Park, located in Sochi in 2012-2014. The advantages and features of the methods of ground, mobile and airborne laser scanning, which are compared with respect to the accuracy and completeness of the data obtained, as well as the speed of work are discussed.
Laser Scanning of the Olympic Park within the Framework of the Construction Monitoring for the "Formula-1" Series Racetrack in Sochi
E.S. Boiko ("SevKavTISIZ", Krasnodar)
#4, p 24
There are compared various methods of laser scanning, used for surveying the Olympic Park, located in Sochi in 2012-2014. The advantages and features of the methods of ground, mobile and airborne laser scanning, which are compared with respect to the accuracy and completeness of the data obtained, as well as the speed of work are discussed.