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Как мы выбирали лазерный сканер (окончание)
Обосновывается выбор наземных сканирующих систем серии RIEGL LMS различных модификаций и приводится их возможности и технические характеристики. Начало в журнале «Геопрофи» #2 – 2003, cтр. 45.
How Did We Choose a Laser Scanner (continued from # 2-2003)
S.R. Melnikov (Geocosmos)
#3, p. 33
The choice of the RIEGL LMS family ground scanning sys tems is substantiated. Their main technical characteristics are given. An analysis of their technical capabilities is done. Geocosmos applications using laser technology are presented. Recommendations are given for the companies intending to use laser technologies.
How Did We Choose a Laser Scanner (continued from # 2-2003)
S.R. Melnikov (Geocosmos)
#3, p. 33
The choice of the RIEGL LMS family ground scanning sys tems is substantiated. Their main technical characteristics are given. An analysis of their technical capabilities is done. Geocosmos applications using laser technology are presented. Recommendations are given for the companies intending to use laser technologies.