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RapidEye PCM - эффективная технология обновления карт и баз пространственных данных
Рассматривается автоматизированная система обновления карт и баз пространственных данных Persistent Change Monitoring (PCM) на базе космических снимков RapidEye, предложенная компанией BlackBridge. В основу системы положена технология, запатентованная
компанией MDA. Она заключается в быстром выявлении изменений в исследуемом районе земной поверхности путем сравнения ряда снимков, полученных любым космическим аппаратом в течение определенного периода времени.
RapidEye PCM - an Effective Technology for Updating Maps and Spatial Databases
B.A. Dvorkin (Sovzond JSC)
#6, p 08
There considered the Persistent Change Monitoring (PCM) automated system for updating maps and databases offered by the BlackBridge company and based on the RapidEye images. The system is based on the technology, patented by MDA. This technology consists in rapid detection of changes in the being studied area of the earth's surface by comparing a number of images taken by any spacecraft over a certain period of time.
RapidEye PCM - an Effective Technology for Updating Maps and Spatial Databases
B.A. Dvorkin (Sovzond JSC)
#6, p 08
There considered the Persistent Change Monitoring (PCM) automated system for updating maps and databases offered by the BlackBridge company and based on the RapidEye images. The system is based on the technology, patented by MDA. This technology consists in rapid detection of changes in the being studied area of the earth's surface by comparing a number of images taken by any spacecraft over a certain period of time.