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«Землеустроительное дело». Комплексное решение от МосЦТИСИЗ
Приводится описание программы «Землеустроительное дело», разработанной отделом №5 МосЦТИСИЗ и предназначенной для формирования землеустроительных дел в среде Microsoft Word 2000 и выше.
Land Use Records. End-to-End Solution by MosTsTISIZ
G.V. Erko (Moscow Central Trust for Engineering and Construction Surveys (MosTsTISIZ)
#3, p. 41
The software package «Land Use Records» is described. The package has been developed to form land use records using Microsoft Word 2000 and higher versions. The tech nological procedure is given.
Land Use Records. End-to-End Solution by MosTsTISIZ
G.V. Erko (Moscow Central Trust for Engineering and Construction Surveys (MosTsTISIZ)
#3, p. 41
The software package «Land Use Records» is described. The package has been developed to form land use records using Microsoft Word 2000 and higher versions. The tech nological procedure is given.