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Применение навигационных приемников GPS для построения цифровых карт и планов лесных
Приводятся результаты исследования точности определения координат опорных точек для аэрофотоснимков. Определение координат производится с помощью спутниковых навигационных приемников Garmin GPS 12 и по топографическим картам масштаба 1:50 000. Результаты
показали, что точность определения координат опорных точек с помощью спутниковых навигационных приемников позволяет использовать полученные координаты для создания тематических карт лесных ресурсов масштаба 1:25 000.
Usage of the GPS Navigation Receivers for Compilation of Digital Maps and Forest Resources Plans
V.N. Manovich, V.V. Maksimuk (Zapsiblesproekt, Novosibirsk)
#5, p. 7
Information is given on the studies of the accuracy of determining coordinates by satellite techniques in order to rectify aerophotoimages. The image rectifica tion was fulfilled using two techniques: by reference points on the topographic map (a traditional tech nique) and by the reference points which coordinates were determined with the Garmin GPS-12 satellite receivers (the new technique). A conclusion is made on the possibility of using the Garmin GPS-12 navigation receivers for the compilation of thematic maps on a scale of 1:25,000.
Usage of the GPS Navigation Receivers for Compilation of Digital Maps and Forest Resources Plans
V.N. Manovich, V.V. Maksimuk (Zapsiblesproekt, Novosibirsk)
#5, p. 7
Information is given on the studies of the accuracy of determining coordinates by satellite techniques in order to rectify aerophotoimages. The image rectifica tion was fulfilled using two techniques: by reference points on the topographic map (a traditional tech nique) and by the reference points which coordinates were determined with the Garmin GPS-12 satellite receivers (the new technique). A conclusion is made on the possibility of using the Garmin GPS-12 navigation receivers for the compilation of thematic maps on a scale of 1:25,000.