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Особенности выполнения геодезических работ в Греции
Описывается организация проведения геодезических работ специалистами компании «MGT Современные геотехнологии» по выбору опорных точек для трансформирования космических снимков со спутников QuickBird и IKONOS и определению их координат на территории, прилегающей
к побережью Партского и Коринфского заливов Ионического моря. Приводятся результаты определения координат выбранных точек на территории города и скоростных магистралях с использованием спутникового оборудования компании Topcon в условиях ограниченной видимости
спутников GPS и температуре воздуха +50оС.
Characteristic Features of Conducting Geodetic Works in Greece
S.A. Mironov (Sovremennye Geotekhnologii)
#5, p. 13
A technology of geodetic works to choose reference points and determine their coordinates in order to trans form QuickBird and IKONOS satellites images is described. The works were conducted in Greece nearby the town of Patry using the Topcon equipment. The climatic and other conditions of conducting GPS measurements are described. An analysis is presented for the results of determining the coordinates of the points within the town territory and the highways.
Characteristic Features of Conducting Geodetic Works in Greece
S.A. Mironov (Sovremennye Geotekhnologii)
#5, p. 13
A technology of geodetic works to choose reference points and determine their coordinates in order to trans form QuickBird and IKONOS satellites images is described. The works were conducted in Greece nearby the town of Patry using the Topcon equipment. The climatic and other conditions of conducting GPS measurements are described. An analysis is presented for the results of determining the coordinates of the points within the town territory and the highways.