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Лазерный сканер — не роскошь, а средство дистанционного зондирования (2)
Обсуждаются итоги выставки INTERGEO в части новых разработок в области лазерно–локационной техники. Рассматриваются основные направления совершенствования этого метода съемки — регистрация формы отраженной волны, переход на матричные приемники, базиметрические
технологии. Демонстрируются результаты аэросъемочной деятельности компании «Геокосмос» в 2003 г.
Laser Scanner Is Not the Luxury But a Mean for Remote Sensing (continued from # 2-2003)
E.M. Medvedev (Geocosmos)
#5, p. 19
Laser location instruments presented at the INTERGEO exhibition are analyzed. Results of the aerial surveying works fulfilled by the Geocosmos company in 2003 are given. Several promising trends of the laser location survey technique are presented, including registration of the reflected wave shape, development of the systems for basi metric works and change for array-type receivers.
Laser Scanner Is Not the Luxury But a Mean for Remote Sensing (continued from # 2-2003)
E.M. Medvedev (Geocosmos)
#5, p. 19
Laser location instruments presented at the INTERGEO exhibition are analyzed. Results of the aerial surveying works fulfilled by the Geocosmos company in 2003 are given. Several promising trends of the laser location survey technique are presented, including registration of the reflected wave shape, development of the systems for basi metric works and change for array-type receivers.