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Использование безотражательных тахеометров и систем комплекса CREDO для съемки фасадов зданий
Рассмотрен метод съемки фасадов зданий с использованием программно–аппаратного комплекса, включающего безотражательный тахеометр TS3605DR и системы CREDO_DAT и CREDO_MIX. На примере конкретного объекта рассмотрены особенности полевых и камеральных работ,
описаны основные этапы технологии, приведены пояснительные схемы и иллюстрации.
Usage of Reflectorless Tacheometers and the CREDO Complex Systems for Surveying Buildings’ Facades
A.V. Spitsyn (Triada Plus, Kazan) A.A. Chernyavtsev (Geostroiizyskaniya)
#5, p. 40
A technique of surveying buildings’ facades is described. The applied firmware consists of the TS3605DR reflectorless tacheometer and the CREDO_DAT and CREDO_MIX system. Features of the field and office studies of a specific object are analyzed. The main stages of work are listed. Explanatory sketches and illustrations are given.
Usage of Reflectorless Tacheometers and the CREDO Complex Systems for Surveying Buildings’ Facades
A.V. Spitsyn (Triada Plus, Kazan) A.A. Chernyavtsev (Geostroiizyskaniya)
#5, p. 40
A technique of surveying buildings’ facades is described. The applied firmware consists of the TS3605DR reflectorless tacheometer and the CREDO_DAT and CREDO_MIX system. Features of the field and office studies of a specific object are analyzed. The main stages of work are listed. Explanatory sketches and illustrations are given.