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Математическое моделирование деформационных процессов памятников архитектуры
Приводится описание результатов наблюдений за деформациями сооружений Московского Кремля, начатых в 1930-е гг. и продолженных в настоящее время. Анализ деформационных процессов показал общую тенденцию к стабилизации в последнее десятилетие осадок деформационных
марок для большинства соборов и памятников Московского Кремля
Mathematical Simulation of the Moscow Kremlin Deformation Dynamics
Lobazov V.Ya., Lukina N.V. ("Geodinamika" Center, MIIGAiK)
#4, p 38
The results of the observations of the Moscow Kremlin's construction deformations are presented. This monitoring began in the thirties of the last century and it is still going on. Analysis of the deformation processes has revealed a general tendency towards stabilization of the draft marks for the majority of the cathedrals and monuments of the Moscow Kremlin within the recent decade.
Mathematical Simulation of the Moscow Kremlin Deformation Dynamics
Lobazov V.Ya., Lukina N.V. ("Geodinamika" Center, MIIGAiK)
#4, p 38
The results of the observations of the Moscow Kremlin's construction deformations are presented. This monitoring began in the thirties of the last century and it is still going on. Analysis of the deformation processes has revealed a general tendency towards stabilization of the draft marks for the majority of the cathedrals and monuments of the Moscow Kremlin within the recent decade.