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Профессиональные объединения
Санкт-Петербургскому обществу геодезии и картографии 15 лет
Приводится информация о деятельности Санкт-Петербургского общества геодезии и картографии за 15 лет. Отмечается роль организаций членов общества в решении повседневных производственных задач топографо-геодезического, картографического и инженерно-геологического
обеспечения Санкт-Петербурга. Подводятся итоги общественной деятельности членов общества в России и за рубежом.
The 15th Anniversary of the St.-Petersburg Society for Surveying & Mapping
A.S. Bogdanov (Department of geologic-geodetic service of the St.-Petersburg Committee on town planning and architecture, the St.-Petersburg Society for surveying and mapping)
#6, p 54
An information is given on the St.-Petersburg Society for surveying and mapping activity over the period of fifteen years. A role of the Society's members is noted in solving routine tasks of topographic-geodetic, cartographic and engineering and geologic St.-Petersburg city support. Social activity of the Society's members both in Russia and abroad is summed up.
The 15th Anniversary of the St.-Petersburg Society for Surveying & Mapping
A.S. Bogdanov (Department of geologic-geodetic service of the St.-Petersburg Committee on town planning and architecture, the St.-Petersburg Society for surveying and mapping)
#6, p 54
An information is given on the St.-Petersburg Society for surveying and mapping activity over the period of fifteen years. A role of the Society's members is noted in solving routine tasks of topographic-geodetic, cartographic and engineering and geologic St.-Petersburg city support. Social activity of the Society's members both in Russia and abroad is summed up.