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ГИС «Карта 2008» и неогеография
Автор коротко остановился на понятии "неогеография". В частности, он отметил, что если необходимость появление термина "неогеография" вопрос спорный, то, создание геопорталов, обеспечивающих широкий и демократичный доступ к детальным изображениям земной
поверхности из космоса, бесспорный факт, который существенно изменил отношение и восприятие возможностей геоинформационных систем. В заключении приводятся примеры новых инструментов ГИС "Карта 2008" для представления и обработки данных, полученных из открытых
источников географической информации.
GIS Karta 2008 and Neogeography
А.V. Zheleznyakov (Panorama Design Bureau)
#4, p 38
The author briefly presents the "neogeography" concept. In particular he has marked that whether the need in appearing the "neogeography" term is a moot point, creation of geoportals providing a wide and democratic access to the detailed space images of the terrestrial surface is an indisputable fact, which has significantly changed the attitude to and perception of geoinformation systems' capabilities. In conclusion examples of the new GIS Karta 2008 tools for presenting and processing data obtained from the free-access sources of the geographical data are given.
GIS Karta 2008 and Neogeography
А.V. Zheleznyakov (Panorama Design Bureau)
#4, p 38
The author briefly presents the "neogeography" concept. In particular he has marked that whether the need in appearing the "neogeography" term is a moot point, creation of geoportals providing a wide and democratic access to the detailed space images of the terrestrial surface is an indisputable fact, which has significantly changed the attitude to and perception of geoinformation systems' capabilities. In conclusion examples of the new GIS Karta 2008 tools for presenting and processing data obtained from the free-access sources of the geographical data are given.