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Современные технологии разбивочных работ на строительной площадке
Приводится описание сквозной технологии, предлагаемой компанией Trimble, по передаче данных трехмерного автоматизированного проектирования в контроллер для выполнения разбивочных работ на строительной площадке современным геодезическим оборудованием. Отмечается
преимущество данной технологии перед традиционной, основанной на использовании разбивочных чертежей и результатов исполнительной съемки на бумажной основе.
Contemporary Technologies of Layout Works on a Building Site
V.V. Nikonorenkov (Trimble Company Moscow Office)
#4, p 46
The end-to-end technology proposed by the Trimble company for transmitting the 3D automated simulation data to a controller in order to conduct layout works on a building site with the use of a contemporary geodetic equipment is described. This technology advantage is marked with due consideration to the conventional method based on using layout drawings and results of as-built survey on a ground paper.
Contemporary Technologies of Layout Works on a Building Site
V.V. Nikonorenkov (Trimble Company Moscow Office)
#4, p 46
The end-to-end technology proposed by the Trimble company for transmitting the 3D automated simulation data to a controller in order to conduct layout works on a building site with the use of a contemporary geodetic equipment is described. This technology advantage is marked with due consideration to the conventional method based on using layout drawings and results of as-built survey on a ground paper.