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Расчет осадок деформаций в CREDO
Приводится краткий обзор вычислительных возможностей новой версии программы CREDO Расчет Деформаций, выпущенной в ноябре 2013 г. Описываются новые и традиционные подходы к решению сопутствующих прикладных задач.
Calculation of of the Subsidences and Deformations in CREDO
A.Yu Budo (Belarusian National Technical University)
D.M. Vasilkov (Belarusian State University)
D.V. Grokholsky (Credo-Dialog Company, Republic of Belarus)
#1, p 24
A brief survey of computational capabilities of the new version CREDO Deformation Calculation, released in November 2013 describes the new and traditional approaches to the solution of the related applications.
Calculation of of the Subsidences and Deformations in CREDO
A.Yu Budo (Belarusian National Technical University)
D.M. Vasilkov (Belarusian State University)
D.V. Grokholsky (Credo-Dialog Company, Republic of Belarus)
#1, p 24
A brief survey of computational capabilities of the new version CREDO Deformation Calculation, released in November 2013 describes the new and traditional approaches to the solution of the related applications.