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Использование наземного лазерного сканирования для обследования состояния берегов Красноярского водохранилища
Рассматриваются средства и методика проведения работ с помощью технологии наземного лазерного сканирования на конкретных участках Красноярского водохранилища. В результате обработки полученных материалов выполнено построение продольных и поперечных профилей
по заданным направлениям на ключевых береговых участках водохранилища. Для этих же участков составлены крупномасштабные топографические планы.
Use of the Terrestrial Laser Scanning Technology for Monitoring the Shores of the Krasnoyarsk Reservoir
B.F. Azarov (Polzunov Altai State Technical University, Barnaul)
E.A. Fedorova (Institute for Water and Environmental Problems, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Barnaul)
#1, p 46
The tools and methodology of works using terrestrial laser scanning technology in specific areas of the Krasnoyarsk reservoir are considered. After processing the materials obtained, longitudinal and transverse profiles for the selected destinations in the key parts of the reservoir's shore were built. For these sites large-scale topographic maps were created.
Use of the Terrestrial Laser Scanning Technology for Monitoring the Shores of the Krasnoyarsk Reservoir
B.F. Azarov (Polzunov Altai State Technical University, Barnaul)
E.A. Fedorova (Institute for Water and Environmental Problems, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Barnaul)
#1, p 46
The tools and methodology of works using terrestrial laser scanning technology in specific areas of the Krasnoyarsk reservoir are considered. After processing the materials obtained, longitudinal and transverse profiles for the selected destinations in the key parts of the reservoir's shore were built. For these sites large-scale topographic maps were created.