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Об опыте выполнения комплекса землеустраительных работ в масштабе субъекта федерации
Основной целью фирмы (Geocad Co., Ltd.) при производстве комплекса землеустроительных работ стала подготовка пакетов документов на землю и недвижимость для последующей регистрации прав. Приводится краткое описание технологии выполнения полевых работ, последовательности
подготовки документов для постановки на кадастровый учет и создания АИС «Кадастр предприятия» на примере работ, выполненных по заказу ОАО «Сибирьтелеком» и ОАО «Новосибирскэнерго». Масштабность работ, проводимых на территории площадью почти в 180 тыс. кв.
км, позволила приобрести фирме серьезный, а главное, положительный опыт в этой области деятельности.
On the Experience of Land Use Planning on a Scale of the Constituent Entity of the Federation
G.V. Gorn, V.A. Spiridonov, A.R. Makhrovsky, A.S. Zarutsky, D.A. Kaufman (Geocad Plus)
#2, p 12
The target activity of Geocad Co., Ltd. mainly covers preparation of a set of records and certificates for the land and realty based on land surveying technology for further rights registration. The field works technology is briefly presented together with the documentation flow sequence for the cadastre registration. The works fulfilled for OAO “Sibirtelecom” and OAO “Novosibirskenergo” within an area of almost 180,000 sq. km are described as an example for this activity. The Geocad company has both gained grave and positive experience and started development of the automated system “Enterprise’s Cadastre”.
On the Experience of Land Use Planning on a Scale of the Constituent Entity of the Federation
G.V. Gorn, V.A. Spiridonov, A.R. Makhrovsky, A.S. Zarutsky, D.A. Kaufman (Geocad Plus)
#2, p 12
The target activity of Geocad Co., Ltd. mainly covers preparation of a set of records and certificates for the land and realty based on land surveying technology for further rights registration. The field works technology is briefly presented together with the documentation flow sequence for the cadastre registration. The works fulfilled for OAO “Sibirtelecom” and OAO “Novosibirskenergo” within an area of almost 180,000 sq. km are described as an example for this activity. The Geocad company has both gained grave and positive experience and started development of the automated system “Enterprise’s Cadastre”.